Xanthostemon Youngii – First Love Red
Xanthostemon youngii, commonly known as crimson penda or red penda, is a species of trees endemic to North Queensland, constituting part of the plant family Myrtaceae. This is a very desirable garden plant for warmer climates. The glorious, dense flower heads are well displayed at branches ends and are bright red with stunningly extended stamens reminiscent of a Bottlebrush. Flowers are sweetly fragrant and atract butterlies and hummingbirds. Bloom time in Northern hemisphere lasts from winter through early spring, which makes it especially valuable. In sub-tropical and tropical areas it flowers reliably and often within 2-3 years from seed.
Crimson Penda – Red Penda
The foliage of Crimson Penda is attractive when the tree is not flowering, with the leaves being large and glossy. The best is in sunny spot and well drained and moist soils. It can be pruned to shrub size if desired. New leaves start out red, contrasting beautifully with older and lance shaped glossy green foliage.
The stamens are the principal feature of the flowers, similar to its relatives, the eucalypts, bottlebrushres. Flowering occurs in summer and autumn.