Sansevieria Trifasciata
Sansevieria Trifasciata is almost indestructible. It is drought-tolerant plant, so you can forget to water it. It has stiff, upright, sword-like leaves and is highly recommended for bedrooms and living rooms. It was also once used to produce bowstrings, but it’s now mostly grown as an ornamental plant. The architectural nature of Snake Plant, with stiff, upright, sword-like leaves, makes it a natural choice for modern and contemporary interior designs.
As with many other Sansevieria varieties this plant if easy-to-grow as an indoor plant or outdoor in near frost free climates in a pot so long as soil drains adequately and is kept relatively dry through the winter months – a great plant under a protected eave.
Plant it in part sun or bright to deep shade in a well-drained soil and irrigate regularly or occasionally in the warmer months.
Snake Plant
Sansevieria is in the list of NASA’s air purifying plants. Research has shown that the broad leaves of Snake Plants soak up toxins and carbon dioxide and produce oxygen to help purify the air in the room. It also purifies and cleans indoor air by removing toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene. Since they produce oxygen mainly at night, Sansevierias make excellent bedroom companions.