Calathea Ornata
Pinstripe Calathea
You might get a shock if you see this plant moving at night! It has a small joint between the leaf and stem, light moves the joints and as a result it’s leaves open and close with the light. As a member of the Marantaceae family, Calathea Ornata is an active plant which undergoes observable nyctinasty, the process of foliage reacting to the daily light cycle.
Pinstripe Calathea has beautiful, glossy leaves with fish-bone-like stripes and is considered one of the easier prayer plants to care for.
Calathea Ornata likes diffused, indirect light, in a humid environment so kitchens and bathrooms are ideal along with regular misting and your plant will thrive. Wipe Calathea’s leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust, so that it can breathe properly. This plant is safe around children and pets.
Calathea Plants are tropical plants, often grown as houseplants for their beautiful, brightly coloured, upright, ovate leaves. There are over 300 different types of Calatheas, many being hybrids created by tissue cultures. Indoors, a Calathea is a table plant or short bush that rarely gets bigger than 60cm tall and wide. Flowers, if produced, are white, small and formed in spikes.