Sansevieria Hahnii Jade Green


Sansevieria Hahnii Jade Green is perfect for table top and a very popular Snake Plant for its dark green foliage with air purifying ability.

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Sansevieria Hahnii Jade Green
What you get
  • Healthy plant pre-potted with organic fertilizer
    ◦ Plant size: 6″ – 10″ tall (including pot)
  • Plastic pot
    ◦ Pot size: 11 cm in diameter
Quick facts
  • Known As: Sansevieria Hahnii Jade Green, Sansevieria Hahnii Jade Dwarf, Snake plant, Saint George’s sword, Mother-in-law’s tongue, Viper’s bowstring hemp
  • Growing Difficulty: Easy
  • Light: Low / Partial / Bright indirect light
  • Water: Little
  • Air Purifying: Yes! Removes formaldehyde from air
Shipping & Delivery

Plants are shipped within 3 business days. It takes 2-3 days to deliver, depending on the location. Learn More


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Plants are unique! The images are meant to give you an idea of the specification and quality of the plant you will receive, but will not be an exact replica.

Sansevieria Hahnii Jade Green

Sansevieria Hahnii Jade Green Peppyflora Products 02 Moz

Sansevieria Hahnii Jade Green is almost indestructible. It is a drought-tolerant plant, so you can forget to water it. It has jade green leaves and is highly recommended for bedrooms, and the living rooms. The small size of Sansevieria Trifasciata Hahnii Jade Green is perfect for a table top plant.

Sansevieria is in the list of NASA’s air purifying plants. Research has shown that the broad leaves of Sansevieria soak up toxins and carbon dioxide and produce oxygen to help purify the air in the room. It also purifies and cleans indoor air by removing toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene. Since they produce oxygen mainly at night, Sansevierias make excellent bedroom companions.

If you want to keep Alocasia Baginda happy, you must keep her in a very well aerated potting mix that dries out completely between waterings. The best mix would be very light on peat moss. but with addition of sand, perlite and bark. Water your Black Velvet deeply but infrequently. Alocasias are susceptible to root and basal rot infections especially when over-watered.

Alocasia is a genus of broad-leaved rhizomatous or tuberous perennial flowering plants from the family Araceae. There are 79 species native to tropical and subtropical Asia to Eastern Australia and widely cultivated elsewhere.