Croton Petra – Codieaum Variegatum
Commonly known as the Croton Petra or botanically as Codieaum Variegatum, this plant is coveted for the auburn, scarlet, and lemon colored veins that mark its bright, bushy foliage.
If you’re looking for colour, it’s tough to beat croton. A popular houseplant, foliage colours ranges from green, variegated, yellow, red, orange, cream, pink and black to a combination of all these. You’ll surely find that a Croton matches any of your indoor decors. It’s a great choice for high-light spots; croton sucks nasty VOCs from the air like a champ.
Croton plants prefer full sun, but depending on the species, some can tolerate partial shade. The amount of sun that the plant receives will correlate to the intensity of its colour. In order to attain full, vibrant colour, the plant should remain in good light.
Croton is an extensive flowering plant genus in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. The plants of this genus were described and introduced to Europeans by Georg Eberhard Rumphius. The common names for this genus are rushfoil and croton, but the latter also refers to Codiaeum variegatum.