Dendrobium Erawan Green
Dendrobium Erawan Green features a sturdy stem with scales and leaves from which emerges a candle of idiosyncratic flowers. The structure means that this orchid has an attractive full look. It’s a houseplant that really does offer value for money.
Stately with a crown of flowers that rise upwards, Dendrobium is very distinctive. It differs from other orchid species with its clusters of flowers that form at the axil of each leaf and which give off a lovely fragrance. The unusual way of flowering on the stem means Dendrobium looks very different from most orchids. The plant blooms for at least 8 weeks a year with sizeable flowers which are five to eight centimetres wide. The colour varies from entirely white through yellow and orange to red and purple and combinations of those colours.
Dendrobium is a popular orchid from the same family as Phalaenopsis, Cambria and Cymbidium. All these orchids are characterised by the classic structure of the flower with five sepals and petals, an attractive lip and a ‘column’.
In the wild Dendrobium often grows as an epiphytic orchid on rocks or in trees without drawing nutrients from them. The roots obtain those nutrients from the air. As a pot orchid they are therefore planted in well-drained, airy soil or bark.