Lemon Cypress – Goldcrest
The Lemon Cypress, also called Goldcrest Cypress after its cultivar, is a variety of Monterey Cypress. It gets its common name from the powerful strong lemon scent that its branches exude if you brush against them or crush their foliage. It hardly need any care and can be a nice indoor plant when placed in a bright areas.
Native to California, Its lovely pyramidal form and vibrant chartreuse foliage are a terrific decorative accent indoors or out. Lemon Cypress is often used around the holidays for interior decorating. Its conical shape mimics a live Christmas tree.
It’s useful for interiors or outdoors on a porch, patio, or balcony. Beautiful when used as a pair on either side of an entrance-way. Can be planted in the landscape where it will grow into a tree.
This small conifer usually grows to 3 feet, making it ideal for indoor gardening. With the recognition of its green-yellow needle-like foliage, the tree has many adorers. It’s conical growth patterns and fresh citrus smell make it a popular choice.