Philodendron Neon Velvet – Lemon Lime
This large, trailing Philodendron Neon Velvet is a stunning plant which is adequate for a gorgeous hanging plant. It’s praised for its resiliency and indoor air cleaning qualities. Philodendron Lemon Lime is a super care-friendly plant that is tolerant of many light conditions, although it will grow faster and fuller in brighter light. Let her climb or trail to let it show off its gorgeous heart-leafed foliage. And as a style tip, place it in a colourful planter for an interesting contrast of colours.
This plant is recommended by NASA’s Clean Air Study for its air purifying attributes. Add this or a combination of different purifying plants for every 100 sq. ft. of indoor space and say goodbye to 90% of your indoor toxins.
The leaves never grow more than three inches wide. The plant is native to the Caribbean and Mexico. Best of all, Philodendron Neon Velvet is easy to care for and will grow quickly in medium light with regular waterings. If the vines get too long, just prune them back to your desired length.