Polyscias Balfouriana Pennockii
Polyscias Balfouriana Pennockii, also known as Polyscias Scutellaria Pennockii, is one of our popular houseplants. It is gorgeous and doesn’t get much bigger which makes it a perfect tabletop plant. But you can place it anywhere you like. It has green and white or pale yellow variegation and thrives easily in any indoor environments. A sudden change in location causes the leaves to drop off. So ponder where it will look great before placing it. Trimming the tips of an Aralia Plant helps promote new growth. You can trim it in the spring.
Polyscias Scutellaria Pennockii
The biggest challenge with Polyscias is to keep it fully clothed in leaves throughout the cold, dry winter months. If the plant is subject to cold or dry air, it will begin to drop leaf stems and quickly be completely denuded. This can be prevented with warmth. A sill above your kitchen sink might be the perfect place. If your plant does drop all its leaves, move it outside once spring is well underway and it will leaf back out again.
Aralias are at risk of infestation by spider mites, aphids, mealybugs and scale insects. Spraying it with a soap solution or a Neem oil solution can help keep these pests in check. When trimming an aralia as a bonsai, you can prune the delicate branches rather than wiring it into shape. If you prune the inner branches you will make it look more tree-like. The trunk will become rugged-looking like a tree.