Foxtail Fern – Asparagus Meyeri
Foxtail fern is not a true fern, but a member of the lily family. Although there is no family resemblance, it’s also related to the edible asparagus vegetable.
Stems are densely covered with 1 in (2.5 cm) needle-like leaflets give this plant a delicate, feathery appearance. But don’t let its fragile appearance fool you. In its native, warm temperature forests of Africa, foxtail fern is an aggressive grower and can be invasive. That’s not a problem, though, contained in a pot. Cut the stems back or divide the plant in spring to keep it under control.
These Asparagus Ferns are great in any setting. They have a beautiful airy, layed look and do not require too much maintenance. Houseplants soften the look of any interiors and these little beauties will thrive in most conditions.
This is one of the fastest-growing least demanding houseplants. Asparagus Plumosus care is easy; water it sparingly and do not keep it in direct Sunlight. Mist occasionally and don’t allow the soil to become dry for long periods. They thrive if kept moist, but not wet, most of the time.
Insufficient light or over watering will result in yellow needles that drop. They prefer rich, slightly acidic well drained soil. They produce large, tuberous roots that can become pot-bound quickly. If pruning is necessary, cut stems all the way back to the root rather than just shortening them.